DC motor driver with H Bridge IC L293D

Making a DC motor driver with H-Bridge technique can use IC L293D as in the article "DC Motor Driver H-Bridge L293 (2 Motor DC)"is. DC motor driver L293D can be used to control the DC motor 2 pieces at once. DC Motor Driver L293D can be used to control a DC motor continuously or with a PWM technique. Dc motor driver circuit in the article "DC Motor Driver H-Bridge L293 (2 Motor DC)" only use IC L293D only. For more details see the following figure.

DC motor driver with H-Bridge IC L293D

Working system of DC motor driver L293D is to provide control signals in the form of logic or pulse to the input lines 1A - 1B for DC motor control M1 and the input 2A - 2B for the control of DC motor M2 with the following conditions:
Input A Input B Motor DC
0 0 Motor silent
1 0 motor rotates counterclockwise
0 1 Motor berputer clockwise
1 1 Motor silent
Description: Enable Input given a logic 1 to obtain such data in the table above.


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